عدد المساهمات : 90 نقاط : 6865 السٌّمعَة : 0 تاريخ التسجيل : 11/11/2009
موضوع: AGE OF EMPIRES II: AGE OF KINGS الخميس نوفمبر 12, 2009 11:44 am
POLO = Remove Shadow Cheat = POLO = Remove Shadow MARCO = Reveal Map AEGIS = Immidiate Building ROCK ON = 1000 Stone LUMBERJACK = 1000 Wood ROBIN HOOD = 1000 Gold CHEESE STEAK JIMMY'S = 1000 Food NATURAL WONDERS = Control Nature RESIGN = Defeat yourself WIMPYWIMPYWIMPY = Destroy yourself I LOVE THE MONKEY HEAD = Gives a VDML HOW DO YOU TURN THIS ON = Gives a 'cobra' car TORPEDOx = Kills opponent x (where x is the opponent number) TO SMITHEREENS = Gives a saboteur BLACK DEATH = Destroying all the enemies I R WINNER = Victory Woof woof Flying Dogs Torpedo- put what player you want to destroy in an instant ex. Torpedo1 the first person on the list will die How do you turn this on" for a cobra(car)