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 Age of Empires

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 90
نقاط : 6799
السٌّمعَة : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 11/11/2009

Age of Empires Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Age of Empires   Age of Empires Icon_minitimeالأحد نوفمبر 22, 2009 12:58 pm

Age of Empires

Submitted by: Varun the King
Email: vark3@vsnl.net

In all parts of age of this game
before we use all cheats just pause the game and the press enter and type
your cheats. This will decrease your opponents\' time.

To type the same cheat multiple time:

When we press enter to type a cheatcode,
type it once and the select it all.
Copy it by pressing Ctrl+C. Press enter.
Now,press Enter again and hold the Shift button and simply press
the \"Insert\" button. Again enter and insert.
While doing this do forgot to press \"shift\".

Update by: Luis Mareco Roberto
Update by: t.akileshwar
Update by: carlos

To activate these codes, go to chat mode (Enter),
and then type in the following codes in all caps:

Code Result
PEANUTBUTTER 1,000,000 food, wood, gold, and stone,
BIGDADDY cooles Cart with Rocketlauncher
BIG BERTHA Catapult has range of 16 and area effect diameter of 10
FLYING DUTCHMAN Juggernaught can move on land
HOYOHOYO gives Priest speed of 6 and 600 hit points
ICBM Ballista has range of 100
NO FOG turns off Fog of War
REVEAL MAP reveals entire map
STEROIDS turns on quick build
HARI KARI destroys all of your buildings and units
HOME RUN gives you instant victory in a scenario
DIEDIEDIE everyone (including you) dies
RESIGN you resign
REVEAL MAP reveals the entire map
PEPPERONI PIZZA give yourself 1,000 food
COINAGE give yourself 1,000 gold
WOODSTOCK give yourself 1,000 wood
QUARRY give yourself 1,000 stone
MEDUSA All People are Medusa
PHOTON MAN You become a Fighter with Laserkanon
GAIA Control the Animals
KILLX kill Player in Position X (1-Cool
DARK RAIN all composit bowmen become stealth archers
JACK BE NIMLE catepultes fire out cows and villagers
killercroc buildings are built fast
BLACK RIDER creats a new unit
VICTORY Go to next level

F6 - Full map toggle
F7 - Fog of war toggle
CTRL-Q - Speeds up building
CRTL-G - 1000 gold
CRTL-W - 1000 wood
CRTL-S - 1000 stone
CRTL-F - 1000 food
CRTL-T - New menu under wood, food, gold and stone
CRTL-P - Left click to place more rock

Zeus-turns nuke troopers(E=mc2 trooper)invincable
Upsidflintmobile - gives you super chariot archers

Submitted by Kangaroo@aol.com

if you are playing a random map.
you've got to build a lot of watch towers so the enemy's
can't attack in you camp. in front off the towers you've
got to build also a wall so the enemy most come to 1
entrance at your camp, put all your troops there and see..

Submitted by: Speedy

Select the unit or building and press DEL to remove it.

Submitted by: Joe Smith

Before you research the temple type in hoyohoyo then when
you have reaserched the temple your priest have 1200 hit

Submitted by: Vince Behler

Submitted by: Vince Behler

When You Start Type in steroids but the problem is Your
Enemy gets steroids to

Submitted by: mike

when you have push in enter then type dangerousstuff
then your money then all your men will be set on god-mode
and stronger weapons will be increast into 100 damage.

Making your enemies as your ally:
Submitted by: d.shankarnarayana

In order to make your enemies as your allies just follow this. First, build
a very vast military base. Don't concentrate on creating extra villagers. If
you are playing a random map with more than two enemies then one of them
will be concentrating to build a forward military base like you and the other
will be concentrating in creating extra villagers to build temples, markets
and Wonder. This you could easily see from the mini-map. Now bring your large
army to the enemy base who concentrates on creating villagers, destroy their
wonder and temples. The enemy at once gets stunned to see your ambush attack
and they will change their diplomatic stance to ally. Atonce you should set
your diplomacy to ally if you are too late then they will again set their
stance to enemy. Try it,It really happens. This technique is common to both
Age of Empires-I and Age of Empires-Rise of Rome. If more doubts persists,
Mail me.

Submitted by: brendan hucker

If you want to win easy you could create your own war
thing but if you want something hard you could let all
your enemies build up their army while you get a heap
of resources build like 50 houses then get all the food
you can get after you have heaps of food make 200
villagers at your town center then use them as your
army it is way fun.

Submitted by: Paul Van Zweel

press the enter button for the chat
menu and type in the following codes:

code result
tough guy - gives you a hot air balloon with an elite
war elephant with a lazer gun.
popcorn - 1,000;000;000 food,wood,rock, gold
eddboys - get Edd,Ed and Eddy from the Ed,Edd n'Eddy
show on cartoon network

Submitted by: Mehran Samad Nejad
Email: Mehran_Samad_Nejad@hotmail.com

Disguises composite Bowman as tree when they are at rest.

Black Rider:
Submitted by: Mehran Samad Nejad
Email: Mehran_Samad_Nejad@hotmail.com

Change your heavy Horse Archers into an Black Riders.

Jensen Clark, Submitted the following Information:

Cheat = Steroids
Result = Instantly build buildings,
Train or create villagers, and mine gold or stone or forage for
berries or kill deer,elephant,alligator,lion.
Also train infantry instantly,archur instantly,and boats
WARNING: other oppenets can use it too.

Submitted by: Marco Alvarez

When playing age of empries I, you can make the biggest empire ever,
by doing this:

make 30 villageres as fast as you can, and 5 axmen and 5 bowman,
for protect the town, so with the villagers collect all kind of
resources you'll need , and advance through ages with minimal upgrades,
now , depending the civ you have make the best warrior it has and begin
producing as many as your resources allow you, remember to upgrade in
benefit of the unit you will use. and that's it, when you are ready,
use all your warrior and go for a absolute victory.
Use an cavallary-archer civilization for best performance.

Submitted by: raj

the population limit can be incresed to 200 and can be played in age of
empires"the rise of rome" all u have to do is go to the multiplayer
creat a game with opponent being the computer. u can adjust the settings
by going to the settings option. there u can adjust settion and there is
an option to change the population limit to 200 and can also apply cheats.try it...

Submitted by: Snap Dust

In a deathmatch(starting age=iron age)select all ur villagers and build 5
town centres select 2 of them and build 50 barracks now select 1 barracks
and press the units hotkey, like this select all barracks and press hotkey
one by one. units will be created very quick and population limit will be
exceeded by 50(depends upon how many barracks u have)

lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol!
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Age of Empires
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 مواضيع مماثلة
» Age Of Empires 3
» Age Of Empires 3 - The WarChiefs
» Age of Empires 2 - The Conquerors
» Age of Empires 2 - The Age of Kings

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